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New Nylacast Stay Safe Initiative - Nylacast

Written by effectadmin | 10 March 2014

Always striving to improve and develop the workplace for our employees, Nylacast recently ran an internal competition which required individuals to submit a new Health and Safety initiative. Dan Wilson, Construction Sales Engineer, won the competition that ran through January, with his brilliantly practical idea of printing the Nylacast Golden Rules on employee t-shirts in order to increase awareness when at work.

The t-shirts read “Nylacast’s Golden Rules. Safety is EVERYONE’S Responsibility” and, “Stop. Think. Are you working safely?” on the back.

Now worn by various members of the sub and steering Health and Safety committee as well as numerous individuals around the business, these visual reminders will also improve visitor’s attention to these vital Golden Rules.

Ian Mallabone, HR Manager commented, “There were some excellent suggestions from a number of people from across the business for a new health and safety initiative. The safety of our teams and visitors is paramount to us; these t-shirts will be great in maintaining awareness of our Golden Health and Safety rules throughout our sites.”